Room: HT117
Contact person: Jiří Synek
The teaching laboratory, with a capacity for twelve students, is intended for practical teaching focused on invertebrates. Above all, this is teaching related to morphology, anatomy, preparation, and long-term storage.
The laboratory is equipped with a large laboratory table with Leica S9E student stereomicroscopes with cold light. It is also equipped with two Leica M205C stereomicroscopes (reflected and transmitted light) connected to a camera, PC and large monitor, as well as a Z-Stack function, which enables the taking of high-quality photos for teaching and publications. It also allows students to observe in vivo specimens at high magnification or dissections in real time. The laboratory is also equipped with Olympus BX53 and Nikon ECLIPSE Ci microscopes.
The second half of the laboratory is occupied by a system of aquaria and terraria. More than 120 mainly exotic species of animals are bred here, which are used for teaching students as well as science and research. Virtually all terrestrial invertebrates and some water-bound species can be bred here. There are two approximately 300 litre paludaria, freshwater aquaria with a volume of approximately 1,000 litres, marine aquaria with a volume of approximately 1,200 litres, and also an air-conditioned cabinet with several terraria that simulates desert and arid conditions.
The breeding area also includes thermostats and hygrometers connected to timers. In addition, invertebrate collections, equipment for field collections, photo traps, and camera equipment for taking time-lapse videos are located here.