On a General Note
The study at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (further referred to as FLD) of the Czech University of Life Sciences (further referred to as CZU) offers comprehensive education in applied biology and technology. The subjects taught at the Faculty provide students practical knowledge in all spheres regarding forests. The graduate is able to develop forest natural resources and secure their sustainable management.
One third of the territory of the Czech Republic is covered with one of the richest ecosystems of the Earth – forests. An important task of the society is to keep these ecosystems for future generations. This task necessitates not only managerial skills but also abilities to preserve selected territories in their primeval form. The fulfilment of these duties on a professional level requires self-education.
Wood represents renewable raw material, the using of which is environmentally friendly. It can be a heat source, building raw material or useful material for the production of furniture, paper, toys or other aids of everyday life like stationery or kitchen utensils. The forest is not only a source of wood but it also offers space for recreation, relaxation and education. However, it can fulfil all these functions properly provided it is cared for, which means its being protected and adequately and prudently managed in all its aspects by experienced staff. And it is these spheres that the students are educated and trained in. The graduates in fields of study oriented to forestry, wood sciences, hunting, taxidermy, business administration, economics and other fields are young experts able to harmonize economic and ecological principles of landscape management and improvements of living environment with society demands on forestry economy products.
Basic Information
The doctoral study is the third and highest degree of university education and its length (three or four years) is dependent on the chosen field. The study can be completed in a full-time or combined programme. Doctoral candidates become members of individual FLD departments and are principally engaged in scientific and research work, which includes the publication of research results in technical journals, and they also participate in teaching students of bachelor and master study programmes. The study is based on individual study programmes, each student passes examinations in five technical subjects (some of them at other universities) and in the English language. The doctoral study is completed by state examinations and by the defence of a PhD thesis. Successful graduates obtain a PhD and are entitled to use it behind their names.
The study is based on the CZU Study and Examination Regulations for doctoral programmes, some requirements concerning doctoral candidates being further specified in FLD Dean Directives 4/2013 and 5/2013, 2/2015 and in Dean Regulation 2/2016.
Students in a full-time programme receive scholarship paid in accordance with the FLD Scholarship Regulations. The CZU applies uniform scholarship regulations, individual scholarship amounts being specified in Dean Directive 4/2015.
The study in doctoral study programmes can be either full time or combined. The enrolment in both the programmes of study requires positive results in admission procedures.
The full-time study programme is the main programme of the doctoral study and the main occupation of the PhD candidates. The length of this programme is usually three or four years. Full-time students have a statute of university students and are paid scholarship for the whole time of their study including a four-week holiday each calendar year.
The combined study programme is mainly designed for employed applicants including those employed by the Faculty, both of them remaining in the staff of their employers. The length of study is usually three years.