Příklady některých publikačních výstupů z posledních let
- Riedl, M., Jarský, V., Palátová, P., Sloup, R. The Challenges of the Forestry Sector Communication Based on an Analysis of Research Studies in the Czech Republic. Forests. 2019, 10 (11), 935.
- Palátová, P. Value added in sawmilling industry in the Czech Republic. Centr. Europ. Forestry Journal. 2019, 65 (1).
- Hájek, M., Vrabcová, P., 2020. Consideration of Forest Ecosystem Services in Environmental Management Accounting. Wood Research. 65(1).
- Sedlecký, M., Kvietková, M.S., Kubš, J., Kubová, P., 2019. The effect of milling parameters and thermal modification on power input during the milling of thermally modified spruce and oak wood. BioResources. 14(1), 669–687.
- Kubová, P., Hájek, M., Třebický, V., 2018. Carbon Footprint Measurement and Management: Case Study of the School Forest Enterprise. BioResources, 13(2), 4521–4535.
- Vrabcová, P., Smolová, H., Urbancová, H., Fajčíková, A., 2019. Strategie bioekonomiky pro udržitelnou Evropu a iniciativa BioEast. Prameny a studie. 64, 17–28. ISSN 0862-8483.
- Rozenský, L.,Vrabcová, P.,Hájek, M., Veselá, T. Hukal, P., 2019. Searching for Correlations Between CO2 Emissions and Selected Economic Parameters. Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal. 99(2).
- Vrabcová, P., Nikodemus, A., Hájek, M., 2019. Utilization of forest resources and socio-economic development in Uukolonkadhi community forest of Namibia. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 67(1), 197b–206.
- Chiteculo, V.,Hájek, M., Kubová, P., 2018. Production and commercialization of timber in Angola after the declaration of independence. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica. 49, 38–45.
- Štěpánková, M.,Hájek, M.,Kubová, P., 2017. Evaluation of subsidies in recovery of landscape within the operational programme environment. Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal. 97.3, 49–62.
- Purwestri, R.C.,Hájek, M., Šodková, M., JARSKÝ, V., 2020. How Are Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products Utilized in the Czech Republic? A Preliminary Assessment of a Nationwide Survey on the Bioeconomy. Sustainability, 12, 566.
- Purwestri, Ch.R.,Hájek, M.,Šodková, M., SANE, M., KAŠPAR, J., 2020. Bioeconomy in the National Forest Strategy:A Comparison Study in Germany and the Czech Republic. Forests, 11 (608).