Course: Wildlife tourism in EU countries

Goal of the subject is to introduce students to the field of wildlife tourism. Wildlife tourism is tourism based on encounters with non-domesticated animals in either their natural environment or in captivity. Wildlife tourism globally attracts very large numbers of tourists, is economically important and can contribute to rural economies.
Outcome of the subject is to learn the necessary knowledge of the principles of sustainable management and sustainable wildlife tourism through analyzes and case studies of the best wildlife tourism destinations in european countries that have the best results in wildlife tourism. Consists of listening to the following units: the concept and significance of wildlife tourism; development of wildlife tourism in the world; non-consumptive and consumptive forms of wildlife tourism; consumptive forms of wildlife tourism (hunting tourism, fishing tourism); non-consumptive forms of tourism (wildlife watching, zoos, wildlife reserves ...); positive and negative impact of wildlife tourism; economic importance of wildlife tourism; socio-cultural importance of wildlife tourism; wildlife tourism and nature conservation; international associations in wildlife tourism; leading destinations of wildlife tourism in Europe and the world.
Foreign lecturers: Milosava Matejevic, associate professor, Vladimir Markovic, professor, Departmant of geography, tourism and hotel management, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Time and form of teaching: classes will take place in one block (intensive 3 days) October 15. – 17. Then a grade will be awarded from the subject. Students will receive a certificate of completion. Students will be excused from teaching of other subjects.

Registration: application at study department via mail
Capacity limited.

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