1. Where can I go for a traineeship?
Erasmus+ traineeship can take a place in any EU country territory, Liechtenstein, Serbia, North Macedonia, Norway and Iceland, and Turkey.
Where can I work?
The receiving organization may be any university (partner or even non-partner), educational institution, company (private or public), non-profit organization, office /local authority /government agency /embassy, research centre, or non-governmental organization (NGO). You can take inspiration, for example from the internships of previous participants. Or even ask your thesis / PhD supervisor whether they have some colleagues abroad cooperating to whom or where they could send you...
So you can do your traineeship anywhere except in the EU institutions, the European Commission and Parliament and other EU bodies, including specialized agencies or organizations managing EU programmes. Erasmus+ Traineeships are an ideal alternative to compulsory university practice and are also a suitable type of abroad trip for PhD students who can spend time in a laboratory, department or research team abroad.
Each student searches for and communicates with the receiving organisation by himself/herself without assistance from the International Relations Office. If you have any questions, you can contact the Erasmus coordinator from your faculty's International Relations Office or International Centre (central IRO) Mr Adam Vacek or Ondřej Votinský, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator.
We recommend that you send an email to the selected company or other organisation with an attached CV and a short explanation of how your internship can benefit both you and the receiving institution.
2. Who can go on an internship/traineeship?
- A student who is enrolled in a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral study programme (not in a preparatory course).
- The form of study can be full-time or distant.
- Students can be enrolled in any year of study, it is possible to go on Traineeship during the first year of study in both bachelor's and master's study even right after the registration to study.
- The student may be a citizen of any country.
- An interrupted study or abandoned study prohibits the realisation of the traineeship.
- Graduates:
a. Traineeship for graduates is possible from the date of your Final State Examination and must be finished no later than 12 months from FSE.
b. Minimal length is 2 months (60 days), maximum 5 months.
c. A graduate must apply for an internship before the FSE, just apply by email or in person at the International Relations Office of the Faculty.
d. it is also possible to go as a graduate, before enrolling in further studies or during further studies. - Students and graduates can go on multiple internships, even repeatedly to the same place, as long as they have at least 2 months of Erasmus funding left.
3. Erasmus+ Scholarship, conditions, and a minimum length of stay
- The minimum length of the Erasmus+ traineeship realized during the study is 2 months (60 days), and the maximum length is 5 months.
- The minimum length of E+ traineeship for the graduates is 2 months (60 days), and the maximum length is 5 months for financial support wtihin 1 stay. Longer stays than 5 months are possible in combination with so-called Zero Grant.
- Students may use a max of 12 months per bachelor, master, or doctoral study cycle. Please note that the mobilities of the previous LLP Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus programme are also included in the total length if they were realized at the same level of study (even in the previous study) as planned mobility.
- PhD may use a special offer of so-called Short term mobility for 5-30 days, the number of these mobilities is limited (ask your faculty).
- A traineeship is a full-time job according to a pre-agreed work plan (usually eight hours of work per day, depending on the country's legal regulations).
- An inter-institutional (bilateral) agreement between CZU Prague and the receiving organization is not required, only for study mobilities.
- Traineeships in the same country or city of your permanent residency are a lower priority for the National Agency and Educa, and won't be supported.
(eg. German student/graduate wont be supported to go to Germany for E+ traineeship) - The organisation of the traineeship is free of charge and neither the sending nor receiving organisation can charge any fees in connection with the preparation of the traineeship. But the receiving organisation may require their own e.g. liability insurance at the workplace or fee for accommodation.
- The scholarship is paid in EUR via SEPA payment (if you do not have an EU bank account in EUR, get one).
- Graduates outside of the EU will need confirmation for our partner organization about having a secured visa or legal stay within the EU after finishing their studies.
Financial support and Erasmus + scholarship
- The student receives a scholarship from the CZU, and graduates receive a scholarship from an intermediary organization - EDUCA international o.p.s., because after FSE the graduate has no obligations with the CZU, it is Educa's mobility.
- The scholarship is set by a monthly amount (1 month=30 days) and the total amount is then derived from the total duration in days.
- The scholarship provided is a contribution to the increased costs of the stay abroad but is not intended to cover all costs during the stay. Scholarship for traineeship is higher than for study stay.
- The student signs a Grant Agreement and is required to arrange travel, accidental, and liability insurance for the entire period of the traineeship. The insurance must meet minimal requirements of the Erasmus+ programme (mentioned in the 1st paragraph here), these requirement meets insurance from ERV. Graduates must have insurance ERAPO from Educa or meeting min. same requirements.
- The amount of the scholarship is published on the website of the Czech National Agency.
- Some faculties offer students extraordinary scholarship as additional support for their mobility. During the traineeship abroad, the student is also entitled to an accommodation scholarship (requested via UIS).
- PhD student during their mobility are still receiving their PhD scholarship, Erasmus scholarship can not be combined together with other grants of EU programme.
- During Erasmus mobility, you can not participate in other mobility paid by CZU grants (eg. summer school during your E+ traineeship)
4. Selection and application procedures
Selection procedures for Erasmus+ Traineeships are organized by the International Relations Office of each faculty. All deadlines, terms of the selection procedures, and the required documents for the selection procedure (typically a CV, a letter of motivation, a language certificate, and transcript of records) will be announced by your faculty. However, it is typically possible to apply for a traineeship any time during the academic year as there is enough funding available.
Erasmus+ traineeships for graduates
When your Final State Examination is scheduled, you can still take part in the selection procedure for a traineeship and realize mobility as a fresh graduate. Please, contact your faculty International Relations Office prior to your FSE date. Graduate internships must be completed no later than 12 months from the date of FSE. For more information, please contact the International Relations Office of your faculty or Mr Adam Vacek.
5. Administrative procedure for applicants
After the student has been successfully selected by the faculty in the selection procedure, he or she must fill out several forms which are available here.
Please fill in "Application Form for Traineeship" + "Learning Agreement for Traineeship", you will ask the faculty and receiving organisation complete the required information and get their signatures.
According to the faculty, it is usually still necessary to apply for an individual study plan if the mobility takes place during the semester, or permission to go on a traineeship (PhD students at the faculty's Science & Research department have to submit "request for mobility approval" - for HR reasons). Thanks for the request student (must) have the internship registered in the UIS prior to departure.
Students (not graduates) have to fill also the "Statutory Declaration", which has to be submitted as an original to the International Centre (central IRO) to Erasmus coordinator Mr Adam Vacek.
The traineeship is then confirmed by the central IRO and the student is provided with a Grant Agreement (financial agreement) and a link to the Online language test (via EU Academy) before departure. The student will be asked to complete the Grant Agreement (if necessary, it will be filled in during a personal visit of the central IRO together with the Statutory Declaration) and to submit the ERV insurance certificate (travel and accident insurance including with Professional liability insurance) secured only via application mentioned on our pages here.
Learning Agreement, Application form, Language test result and insurance certificate can be submitted by email as a scan / electronic version.
The Grant Agreement with Statutory Declaration must be submitted as a physical original or PDF signed with a valid digital certificate (the signature is locked in the document and the validity of the certificate and entity can be verified). A scan of the signature of these 2 documents is not equivalent to a digital certificate and will not be accepted.
For graduate internships, you just need to fill in the Application form and Learning Agreement, both for graduates, and then you will be nominated to Educa international o.p.s., which administers the internships for graduates and pay a scholarship to CZU graduates. Then all further communication is between the candidate and a representative of the EDUCA consortium. They will send you the Language test link, you will provide them with insurance, and proof of graduation (confirmation from the study department/science and research is sufficient if it is too early to have a diploma), and then they will send you a financial agreement to complete.