Name of programme: Fond zábrany škod České kanceláře pojistitelů
Project number: PO 606/2024
Investigator for FLD: doc. Ing. Tomáš Kušta, Ph.D.
Contact person: doc. Ing. Tomáš Kušta, Ph.D.,
Implementation period: 01/2024 – 12/2024
The main goal of the project is, based on the principle of prevention and precaution, to create a system of early warning or alerting the driver of approaching sections with a high/critical risk of collision with wild animals. The project ambition is to maximally prevent high material damage, damage to wildlife, and loss of human life in collisions with animals on the roads. The project will bring an application system to both lay and professional public which will maximize the efficiency of the transmission of information about the high risk of collision with animals in the section of road currently being driven along, taking into account spatial, temporal and seasonal factors, and will therefore signal the potential risk of a collision between traffic participants and animals. This system will be part of Navigation in the application, and the notification will be part of the message for the driver, similar to, for example, a warning about a change in the speed limit or obstacles on the road.