Growth chambers Walk-in FytoScope FS-WI
In six growth chambers (manufacturer PSI) can be set the temperature, relative air humidity, CO2 concentration, as well as the intensity and spectral composition of light (blue, red, far-red) independently. Each of these parameters can have an individual course over time. It is possible to set, for example, arbitrary curves of the lighting mode (gradual increase and decrease of intensity, imitating dawn and dusk), different temperature and humidity regimes, and thus simulate different climate scenarios and study the effect of stressful conditions on the plant and its interaction with, for example, herbivorous insects. The height of 2 m and volume of 2.8 m3 of each of the six growth chambers allows cultivation of a large number of seedlings, including offshoots of woody plants.
Location: Ecophysiological laboratory – Growth chambers L046
Non-invasive system for measuring soil moisture using the TDR
This high-precision sensor with TDR technology (Time-domain reflectometry) from IMCO, GmbH, uses the non-invasiveness of the measurement, when the sensor is inserted into a special tube permanently installed in a plant pot. There is no soil penetration and potential mechanical damage to the root system, as is the case with conventional penetration hygrometers.
Location: Ecophysiological laboratory – Growth chambers L046